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A Killer Collection of Global CSS Reset Styles

CSS "reset" rules override default browser styles and make cross browser CSS simple. A collection of killer CSS reset styles.

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21 Excellent CSS Dreamweaver Extensions

21 Excellent Dreamweaver Extensions for CSS Productivity and Standards, most of them free.

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Preloading Content With jQuery

A quick look at how to preload either images or content using jQuery.

Your Votes: 6 Yays  9 Nays

How Usable is Your Copy?

Copy is a term used to refer to the text on your website. How "usable" is it?

Your Votes: 11 Yays  5 Nays

Using PHP to Create and Draw Images (2 parts)

PHP comes equipped with many functions and libraries to create images on the fly. Part II of the tutorial here.

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CSS Typography Reference Sheet

CSS Typography Property Table, Web Safe Fonts Table and CSS Typography Value Conversion Table.

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IE8 Beta 2 Ajax improvements

IE developers lay out the enhancements made to Ajax in IE8 beta2, from cross domain requests to DOM Storage.

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7 Ingredients of Good Corporate Design

Gyorgy Fekete discusses vital design and strategy elements that help to build brand recognition and potential. Although the title doesn't seem appropriate, the article itself contains some useful information and ideas.

Your Votes: 3 Yays  5 Nays

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